• Part 1: Introduction to Data Science

    Introduction to Data Science

    1. What Data?
    2. Types and Sources of Data
    3. Why is Data Science?
    4. How to interpret the data?

    Mathematical Concepts of Data Science and Statistics

    1. Introduction
    2. Linear Algebra
    3. Descriptive and Inferential
    4. Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation)
    5. Central Limit Theorem
    6. Naïve-Bayes Theorem
    7. Hypothesis Testing
    8. Dimensions Attribute Types
    9. Descriptive Statistics Correlation
    10. Skew

    Part 2: Evaluation Tools of Data Sciences

    Different Types of Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

    • R Studio*
    • Visual Studio*
    • Jupyter Notebook
    • Pycharm
    • IDLE

    Python Essentials

    • Python
      • Approach and Data Structure
        • List
        • Set
        • Tuple
        • Dictionary
        • Bit of Regular expressions (NLP perspective)
      • Numpy
        • Loading CSV with Numpy and essentials
      • Pandas
        • Loading CSV with pandas and essentials
      • Matplotlib
        • Plotting and visualization with Matplotlib
      • Descriptive statistics with Python
      • Data preparation and Visualization with Python
    • Data imputing
    • Case Studies
      • TensorFlow

    Part 3: Foundations of Data Science

    • Introduction
      • High-level view of DS, AI and ML
      • Subtle differences between DS, ML and AI
      • Approaches to ML
      • Terms and terminologies of DS / ML
      • Ideas of Pipeline, implementation cycle
      • Notions of
        • Linear algorithms
        • Non-Linear algorithms
        • Ensemble algorithms
      • Qualitative ideas of
        • Statistical sampling and inference
        • Hypothesis Testing and t-tests
        • Prerequisites of above ideas (qualitative)
      • Terms, Terminology and Notions of Linear Algebra Relevant to Data Science, including Probability

    Part 4: Explore the Machine Learning

    Supervised Learning

    • Regression
      • Linear Regression
      • Logistic Regression (effectively, classification only)
      • And a note on other 3 types of Regression
      • Classification methods & respective evaluation
        • K-nn
        • Naive Bayes
        • SVM—- linear & non-linear
        • Decision trees
        • Random Forests

    Unsupervised learning

    • Clustering
      • K means
      • Association Rules (Market Basket Analysis)

    Part 5: Practicalities of Machine Learning

    Steps Involved in ML

    • Pipeline ideas/ Feature Engineering
      • EDA
      • Feature Creation
      • Evaluation Measures
      • Data Analytics Cycle ideas
        • Data Acquisition
        • Data Preparation
          • Data cleaning
          • Data Visualization
      • Model Planning
      • Model Building

    Model Evaluation

    • Respective Performance measures
      • Different Errors
      • Parameter Tuning
      • Assessment, homework, Case Studies

    Part 6: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    • Text Analytics
      • NLP
      • TF-IDF
      • Sentiment Analysis
      • Recommender Systems
      • Variance bias trade off

    Part 7: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

    • ANN
      • NN & terminologies
      • Non-linearity problem, illustration
      • Perceptron learning
      • Backpropagation
      • Overview of
        • Tensor Flow
        • Keras
        • Neurolab*
      •  Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN)
        • Architecture of CNN
        • Types of layers in CNN
        • filters
        • Building an Image classifier with and without CNN
      • Recurrent neural nets
        • Fundamental notions & ideas
          • Recurrent neurons
          • Handling variable-length sequences
        • Training a sequence classifier (ideas)
      • Reinforcement Learning (overview)
      • Autoencoders (overview)
      • Computer Vision (CV)
        • Segmentation
        • Image Processing
        • Feature Selection
        • Feature Extraction
        • Image Enhancement
        • CNN

    Appendix (limited, fast, essential coverage, homework to be done by students)

    • Additional relevant Mathematics
      • Gradients
      • Partial derivatives
      • Linear algebra
        • Li
        • LD
        • Eigenvectors
        • Projections
      • Vector quantization
    • SGD
    • XG boost
    • Python SQL essentials

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Introduction to Android

  • What is Android
  • A Short History
  • Advantages of Android
  • Disadvantages of Android

Android Architecture

  • Key Components Stack
  • The Kernel
  • Libraries
  • The Dalvik JVM
  • Application Framewoek
  • Application

Android Development Environment

  • What do We Need?
  • Setting Up the SDK
  • Install Eclipse Plugin
  • Create a Virtual Device
  • making a Project
  • Running Your Application
  • Android Hardware Buttons
  • Run Configuration
  • Debugging an Application
  • Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)
  • The Console Views
  • Developing for Multiple Android Versions

Android Application Fundamentals

  • The Manifest File
  • Activity
  • Activity Class
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Launching an Activity
  • Pausing and Stopping an Activity
  • Destroying an Activity
  • Saving State
  • Saving State
  • making Views
  • Registering an Activity
  • The Default Activity
  • Process Lifecycle
  • The Application Context

Android Basic GUI Programming

  • The Fundamentals
  • View Hierarchy
  • Views Programmatically
  • Views in XML Layout
  • More on XML Layout
  • Common Programming Tasks with Views
  • TextView and EditText
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton and RadioGroup
  • ToggleButton
  • ImageView
  • RatingBar

Android Layout Management

  • Background
  • LinearLayout
  • LinearLayout Orientation
  • match_parent (fill_parent) Example
  • Layout Gravity
  • Weight
  • TableLayout
  • Managing the Width in Mobile
  • RelativeLayout
  • ScrollView
  • Horizontal ScrollView

Android Resource Management

  • Main Types of Resources
  • Defining Value Resources
  • Defining String Arrays
  • Image Resources
  • Alternate Resource Folders
  • How Android Finds Resources
  • Dealing with Screen Orientation
  • Orientation Change and Activity Lifecycle
  • Developing for Tablets

Intents and Intent Filters

  • What is an Intent?
  • The android.content.Intent Class
  • Implicit Target Component Specification
  • Intent Filters
  • Sending Data through Android Intents
  • Action Name
  • Category Name
  • Default component of an Application
  • Starting an Activity
  • Getting Output from Activity
  • Pending Intent

Application Menus

  • Defining Menu Items
  • Menu XML File
  • Option Menu
  • Populating Menu Items from Resource
  • Manipulating Menu Items
  • Handling Menu Item Click Event
  • Context Menu
  • Showing a Context Menu
  • Handling Context Menu Item Click

Showing Notification Messages

  • Toast
  • Popping a Toast
  • Status Bar Notification
  • Advantages of Status Bar Notification
  • Steps to Create a Status Bar Notification
  • Posting the Notification
  • Using Dialogs
  • Alert Dialogs
  • Handling Button Click Events
  • ProgressDialog
  • Setting Progress Amount

Advanced GUI Development

  • Spinner View
  • Handling Item Selection Event
  • The ListView
  • developing a Listview
  • Handling ListView Events
  • The Adapter Model
  • Using an Adapter
  • Tabbed UI Layout
  • Creating Tabbed UI
  • Defining the Tabbed Layout
  • Tabs with View Content
  • Add a Tab with Activity Content
  • WebView
  • WebView Methods

Broadcast Receiver

  • Developing a Broadcast Receiver Component
  • Registering a Receiver
  • Broadcasting a Custom Intent
  • Broadcasting a Notification
  • Low Battery Indication by Broadcast Receiver

Using Gesture & Sliding

  • Tabing through Gesture effect
  • Learn How to Slide Activities
  • using framesets in gesture
  • Sliding Navigating Menus

Android Data Storage

  • Data Storage Options
  • Shared Prefereances
  • Modifying Shared Preferences
  • Default Preferences
  • Editing Preferences
  • External Storage
  • Checking State of External Storage
  • Working with Files in External Storage
  • Shipping Files with the Application
  • Working with Raw Resource Files
  • Working with Asset Files

SQL Database Storage

  • Opening a Database Connection
  • Transaction Management
  • A Pattern for Connection and Transaction Handling
  • Compiled SQL Statement
  • Inserting Data
  • Updating Data
  • Deleting Data
  • Fetching Data
  • Example Queries
  • Iterating Over a Cursor
  • Reading Column Values from Cursor
  • Cursor Management
  • Binding Cursor to ListView
  • Handling Item Click Event
  • Refreshing the ListView

Content Provider

  • Use of URL
  • The Structure of Data
  • MIME Type
  • Content Provider
  • Implement the query () Method
  • Implement the insert() Method
  • The update() and delete() Methods
  • Implement getType()
  • Registering a Provider
  • Writing a Data Consumer
  • Performing a Query

Network Programming

  • Communication Using HTTP Protocol
  • HttpClient Object
  • New Service implementation as per Android Marshmallow version
  • Making a Network Request
  • Using Basic Authentication
  • WebService Implementation by PHP & DotNET
  • XML Parsing Options
  • Setting up XML Pull Parser
  • Checking Network Status
  • Receiving Files from network
  • JSON Parsing

Background Task Processing and Service

  • The Handler Framework
  • The Basic Approach
  • Creating a Handler
  • Posting a Message
  • Doing Background Work
  • AsyncTask
  • Callback Methods of AsyncTask
  • Doing the Work
  • Starting Work
  • Getting Result from the Task
  • Updating GUI from the Task
  • Ending the Task
  • What is a Service?
  • making a Service
  • Starting and Stopping a Service

Android Multimedia Programming

  • Recording Audio
  • Start Recording Audio
  • Stop Recording
  • Playing Audio
  • Playing from Raw Resource
  • Stopping and Cleanup
  • Video Playback
  • Playing Video

Location Based Services

  • Guidelines for Obtaining Current Location
  • Obtaining Current Location from an Activity or Service
  • Reading Location Data
  • Other Considerations
  • Proximity Alert
  • Geocoding
  • Using MapView
  • Showing MapView from an Activity

Android Telephony API

  • Common Uses of Telephony API
  • Making a Phone Call
  • Sending SMS Message
  • Call and Service State
  • Monitoring Call and Service State
  • Register the Listener
  • Getting Detail Phone Information


  • Taking pictures
  • Rendering previews


  • using Bluetooth Adapter
  • Finding bluetooth devices


  • How Sensors work
  • Lig to Sensor readings
  • Best practices for performance
  • Proximity Senser


  • Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
  • Getting paired connections
  • Listing new WiFi Connections


  • Define the API and the Retrofit adapter
  • Retrofit Converters
  • Retrofit Adapters
  • Retrofit authentication
  • Using Retrofit to query Gerrit in Java
  • Using Retrofit to convert XML response from an RSS feed
  • Using retrofit for querying the restful StackOverflow API
  • Using Retrofit to access GitHub API in Android
  • Using Retrofit with OAuth to request user details from Twitter in Android

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