Part 1: Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Data Science
- What Data?
- Types and Sources of Data
- Why is Data Science?
- How to interpret the data?
Mathematical Concepts of Data Science and Statistics
- Introduction
- Linear Algebra
- Descriptive and Inferential
- Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation)
- Central Limit Theorem
- Naïve-Bayes Theorem
- Hypothesis Testing
- Dimensions Attribute Types
- Descriptive Statistics Correlation
- Skew
Part 2: Evaluation Tools of Data Sciences
Different Types of Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
- R Studio*
- Visual Studio*
- Jupyter Notebook
- Pycharm
Python Essentials
- Python
- Approach and Data Structure
- List
- Set
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Bit of Regular expressions (NLP perspective)
- Numpy
- Loading CSV with Numpy and essentials
- Pandas
- Loading CSV with pandas and essentials
- Matplotlib
- Plotting and visualization with Matplotlib
- Descriptive statistics with Python
- Data preparation and Visualization with Python
- Approach and Data Structure
- Data imputing
- Case Studies
- TensorFlow
Part 3: Foundations of Data Science
- Introduction
- High-level view of DS, AI and ML
- Subtle differences between DS, ML and AI
- Approaches to ML
- Terms and terminologies of DS / ML
- Ideas of Pipeline, implementation cycle
- Notions of
- Linear algorithms
- Non-Linear algorithms
- Ensemble algorithms
- Qualitative ideas of
- Statistical sampling and inference
- Hypothesis Testing and t-tests
- Prerequisites of above ideas (qualitative)
- Terms, Terminology and Notions of Linear Algebra Relevant to Data Science, including Probability
Part 4: Explore the Machine Learning
Supervised Learning
- Regression
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression (effectively, classification only)
- And a note on other 3 types of Regression
- Classification methods & respective evaluation
- K-nn
- Naive Bayes
- SVM—- linear & non-linear
- Decision trees
- Random Forests
Unsupervised learning
- Clustering
- K means
- Association Rules (Market Basket Analysis)
Part 5: Practicalities of Machine Learning
Steps Involved in ML
- Pipeline ideas/ Feature Engineering
- Feature Creation
- Evaluation Measures
- Data Analytics Cycle ideas
- Data Acquisition
- Data Preparation
- Data cleaning
- Data Visualization
- Model Planning
- Model Building
Model Evaluation
- Respective Performance measures
- Different Errors
- Parameter Tuning
- Assessment, homework, Case Studies
Part 6: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Text Analytics
- Sentiment Analysis
- Recommender Systems
- Variance bias trade off
Part 7: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- NN & terminologies
- Non-linearity problem, illustration
- Perceptron learning
- Backpropagation
- Overview of
- Tensor Flow
- Keras
- Neurolab*
- Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN)
- Architecture of CNN
- Types of layers in CNN
- filters
- Building an Image classifier with and without CNN
- Recurrent neural nets
- Fundamental notions & ideas
- Recurrent neurons
- Handling variable-length sequences
- Training a sequence classifier (ideas)
- Fundamental notions & ideas
- Reinforcement Learning (overview)
- Autoencoders (overview)
- Computer Vision (CV)
- Segmentation
- Image Processing
- Feature Selection
- Feature Extraction
- Image Enhancement
Appendix (limited, fast, essential coverage, homework to be done by students)
- Additional relevant Mathematics
- Gradients
- Partial derivatives
- Linear algebra
- Li
- LD
- Eigenvectors
- Projections
- Vector quantization
- XG boost
- Python SQL essentials
Register Course
Introduction to Android
- What is Android
- A Short History
- Advantages of Android
- Disadvantages of Android
Android Architecture
- Key Components Stack
- The Kernel
- Libraries
- The Dalvik JVM
- Application Framewoek
- Application
Android Development Environment
- What do We Need?
- Setting Up the SDK
- Install Eclipse Plugin
- Create a Virtual Device
- making a Project
- Running Your Application
- Android Hardware Buttons
- Run Configuration
- Debugging an Application
- Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS)
- The Console Views
- Developing for Multiple Android Versions
Android Application Fundamentals
- The Manifest File
- Activity
- Activity Class
- Activity Lifecycle
- Launching an Activity
- Pausing and Stopping an Activity
- Destroying an Activity
- Saving State
- Saving State
- making Views
- Registering an Activity
- The Default Activity
- Process Lifecycle
- The Application Context
Android Basic GUI Programming
- The Fundamentals
- View Hierarchy
- Views Programmatically
- Views in XML Layout
- More on XML Layout
- Common Programming Tasks with Views
- TextView and EditText
- Button
- CheckBox
- RadioButton and RadioGroup
- ToggleButton
- ImageView
- RatingBar
Android Layout Management
- Background
- LinearLayout
- LinearLayout Orientation
- match_parent (fill_parent) Example
- Layout Gravity
- Weight
- TableLayout
- Managing the Width in Mobile
- RelativeLayout
- ScrollView
- Horizontal ScrollView
Android Resource Management
- Main Types of Resources
- Defining Value Resources
- Defining String Arrays
- Image Resources
- Alternate Resource Folders
- How Android Finds Resources
- Dealing with Screen Orientation
- Orientation Change and Activity Lifecycle
- Developing for Tablets
Intents and Intent Filters
- What is an Intent?
- The android.content.Intent Class
- Implicit Target Component Specification
- Intent Filters
- Sending Data through Android Intents
- Action Name
- Category Name
- Default component of an Application
- Starting an Activity
- Getting Output from Activity
- Pending Intent
Application Menus
- Defining Menu Items
- Menu XML File
- Option Menu
- Populating Menu Items from Resource
- Manipulating Menu Items
- Handling Menu Item Click Event
- Context Menu
- Showing a Context Menu
- Handling Context Menu Item Click
Showing Notification Messages
- Toast
- Popping a Toast
- Status Bar Notification
- Advantages of Status Bar Notification
- Steps to Create a Status Bar Notification
- Posting the Notification
- Using Dialogs
- Alert Dialogs
- Handling Button Click Events
- ProgressDialog
- Setting Progress Amount
Advanced GUI Development
- Spinner View
- Handling Item Selection Event
- The ListView
- developing a Listview
- Handling ListView Events
- The Adapter Model
- Using an Adapter
- Tabbed UI Layout
- Creating Tabbed UI
- Defining the Tabbed Layout
- Tabs with View Content
- Add a Tab with Activity Content
- WebView
- WebView Methods
Broadcast Receiver
- Developing a Broadcast Receiver Component
- Registering a Receiver
- Broadcasting a Custom Intent
- Broadcasting a Notification
- Low Battery Indication by Broadcast Receiver
Using Gesture & Sliding
- Tabing through Gesture effect
- Learn How to Slide Activities
- using framesets in gesture
- Sliding Navigating Menus
Android Data Storage
- Data Storage Options
- Shared Prefereances
- Modifying Shared Preferences
- Default Preferences
- Editing Preferences
- External Storage
- Checking State of External Storage
- Working with Files in External Storage
- Shipping Files with the Application
- Working with Raw Resource Files
- Working with Asset Files
SQL Database Storage
- Opening a Database Connection
- Transaction Management
- A Pattern for Connection and Transaction Handling
- Compiled SQL Statement
- Inserting Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- Fetching Data
- Example Queries
- Iterating Over a Cursor
- Reading Column Values from Cursor
- Cursor Management
- Binding Cursor to ListView
- Handling Item Click Event
- Refreshing the ListView
Content Provider
- Use of URL
- The Structure of Data
- MIME Type
- Content Provider
- Implement the query () Method
- Implement the insert() Method
- The update() and delete() Methods
- Implement getType()
- Registering a Provider
- Writing a Data Consumer
- Performing a Query
Network Programming
- Communication Using HTTP Protocol
- HttpClient Object
- New Service implementation as per Android Marshmallow version
- Making a Network Request
- Using Basic Authentication
- WebService Implementation by PHP & DotNET
- XML Parsing Options
- Setting up XML Pull Parser
- Checking Network Status
- Receiving Files from network
- JSON Parsing
Background Task Processing and Service
- The Handler Framework
- The Basic Approach
- Creating a Handler
- Posting a Message
- Doing Background Work
- AsyncTask
- Callback Methods of AsyncTask
- Doing the Work
- Starting Work
- Getting Result from the Task
- Updating GUI from the Task
- Ending the Task
- What is a Service?
- making a Service
- Starting and Stopping a Service
Android Multimedia Programming
- Recording Audio
- Start Recording Audio
- Stop Recording
- Playing Audio
- Playing from Raw Resource
- Stopping and Cleanup
- Video Playback
- Playing Video
Location Based Services
- Guidelines for Obtaining Current Location
- Obtaining Current Location from an Activity or Service
- Reading Location Data
- Other Considerations
- Proximity Alert
- Geocoding
- Using MapView
- Showing MapView from an Activity
Android Telephony API
- Common Uses of Telephony API
- Making a Phone Call
- Sending SMS Message
- Call and Service State
- Monitoring Call and Service State
- Register the Listener
- Getting Detail Phone Information
- Taking pictures
- Rendering previews
- using Bluetooth Adapter
- Finding bluetooth devices
- How Sensors work
- Lig to Sensor readings
- Best practices for performance
- Proximity Senser
- Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
- Getting paired connections
- Listing new WiFi Connections
- Define the API and the Retrofit adapter
- Retrofit Converters
- Retrofit Adapters
- Retrofit authentication
- Using Retrofit to query Gerrit in Java
- Using Retrofit to convert XML response from an RSS feed
- Using retrofit for querying the restful StackOverflow API
- Using Retrofit to access GitHub API in Android
- Using Retrofit with OAuth to request user details from Twitter in Android